Use our Fast Instant web site calculator ( online price calculator)
or Fill out this form and we will get back to you with a more accurate quotation.
While some of our pricing is fixed, other products and services (particularly services) are charged out on an hourly basis. The price of a particular job will then vary with the amount of time applied to it. Please refer to the products and services pages for more information.
The prices shown below apply to ideal circumstances and may vary up or down depending on the complexity and nature of the job. The variations will not be large and the following is a good indicative guide to the cost of your web site.
We recognise 2 distinct stages to web site development - planning and execution - and our costs reflect this.
Web Site Setup: This covers the costs associated with getting the project rolling, and includes things like client contact, concept development, preliminary artwork, and site navigation design. It is on a sliding scale since bigger jobs take more planning.
Web Site Construction: Charged per page where a page is 400 words of text and 4 photos. Once again on a sliding scale, but downwards this time since there is a certain amount of the page construction that can be can duplicated from page to page.
This will give you a guide to the approximate cost structures.
Number Of Pages ---> |
1-3 Pages |
4-10 Pages |
11-25 Pages |
26-50 Pages |
51+ Pages |
Set Up Charge |
$50 |
$100 |
$200 |
$300 |
$400 |
Content Pages (Each) |
$150 |
$80 |
$70 |
$60 |
$50 |
Additionals: |
Cost |
Email Based Booking/Order Form |
$90 |
Catalogue Page For 5 Products |
$150 |
Shopping Cart For 20 Products or services |
$700 |
Standard Photo Gallery Page For 20 Images with image Zoom only (insecure images) |
$250 |
DELUXE Photo Gallery Page For 20 Images with separate Page Zoom (equivalent to 21 separate Pages) |
$450 |
Search Engine Registration With 30 Search Engines |
$85 |
Here are a few examples of what you get for your money:
Content Pages/Frames |
15/3 |
15 |
25/2 |
25 |
30 |
60+ |
600+ |
Booking/Order Form |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Flash Movie Medium |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Photo Gallery |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
2D/3D Image design |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Shopping Cart |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Approximate Cost Guidelines |
$1'000.00 |
$1'50.00 |
$3'500.00 |
$4'000.00 |
$5'000.00 |
$10'000.00 |
$50'000.00 |
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If you are planning a full frontal assault on the internet, you really should be looking at building a, Commercial Content Driven Web site see what you can get if you spend beyond, $10'000.
Please refer to our Services section for details of specific services that we offer.
The following are guidelines of our hourly rates:
Service Charges |
Per Hour |
HTML editing and Java Scripting |
$30 |
Graphic design |
$30 |
Database work, PHP, ASP and CGI programming |
Personalised training for up to 4 people |
Web site promotion and on-line tasks |
Terms and Conditions:
The internet is such a new industry that no real standards and terms have been set. Our general terms and conditions are:
Payment: We ask for 100% prepayment on jobs under $500 in value. Jobs over $500 and under $5,000 require 50% commencement deposit, with the balance payable on completion, and prior to the release of the site. Over $5,000 we institute a mutually agreed progress payment schedule.
Deposits: Your place in our job queue will be held regardless of how much you are spending. We do require a commencement deposit at the start of the job.
Ongoings: We do not rent web sites, we sell them. Although a maintenance contract can be arranged if you wish, we do not charge retainers or ongoings to hide the actual web site cost over an extended contract period. Future work is carried out at our scheduled hourly rate unless other wise stated in our Quotation. Be wary of cheap entry rates and astronomical ongoing charges.