The WORLDS BEST Prospecting Equipment.






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Gold and Gem Prospecting.

Gold & Gem Pans.


Winged Keel Gold Pans.Our Qanta Speed Pans and Winged Keel Gold Pans have won the "AUSTRALIAN GOLD PANNING CHAMPIONSHIPS" as well as other GOLD recovery competitions around the world.



Winged Keel Gold Pans.Because of the Speed and Efficiency of our "Winged Keel Gold Pans", they started winning Gold competitions back in 1999 and we are proud to offer you our unique "Winged Keel Gold Pans" as well as our "Super Sluices". Both of these products are are protected by individual Patents.


Super Sluices.

The BackPack Super Sluice.

Turbo Jet.

Parts and Equipment.

Sluice to Dredge Conversion.

Convert to a Sluice to a Dredge.

There are two main product lines, available in several sizes.

We also make some hand made accessories to order.

This is a useful information page for Prospectors !!!

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